Weekly Digest 44/2021
Welcome to my Weekly Digest #44 which is the first one of November.
This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.
Interesting articles to read
Use CSS Variables instead of React Context
How and why you should use CSS variables (custom properties) for theming instead of React context.
Building a Store Locator in React using Algolia, Mapbox, and Twilio
This article completes our 3-part series on building a Store Locator.
How I made Google’s data grid scroll 10x faster with one line of CSS
Some great videos I watched this week
7 Cryptography Concepts EVERY Developer Should Know
Cryptography is scary. In this tutorial, we get hands-on with Node.js to learn how common crypto concepts work, like hashing, encryption, signing, and more
Introducing User Flows for Chrome DevTools & Lighthouse
Discover how Chrome DevTools, Lighthouse & Puppeteer can be used to record, replay and measure interactions beyond page load. This is a developer preview and we hope to refine these features over time. Learn more in the Chrome Dev Summit 2021 keynote.
Random Grids
After coming across the super cool header/footer motif on Josh Collinsworth’s site we set about re-creating the randomized grid there, only just doing it from scratch guessing how it might have been done.
React Router 6 — What Changed & Upgrading Guide
React Router v6 (stable!) was released and it’s a great improvement over v5! This video covers all the important new features AND dives into selected example apps that will be updated from v5 to v6.
Useful GitHub repositories
A GUI you are going to lava. Customizable, extensible, and beautiful by default.
Ninja Keys
Keyboard shortcuts interface for your website. Working with static HTML, Vanilla JS, Vue, React, Svelte.
React Spectrum Libraries
A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
Picked Pens
Draggable Spoop
Full Screen Vertical Scroll Snap
CSS resize: diagonal
Podcasts worth listening
Syntax — STUMP’D Interview Questions — CSS Edition
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes are back with another edition of “Stump’d!” where they try to stump each other with interview questions.
JavaScript Jabber — D3 and Data Visualization
Ian Johnson is a former Google UX engineer and data visualization engineer with ObservableHQ building data visualizations with JavaScript.
Smashing Podcast — What is Astro? with Matthew Phillips
We’re talking about Astro. Will this modern static site builder launch you into the stratosphere? Drew McLellan talks to developer Matthew Phillips to find out.
Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋