Weekly Digest 42/2021
Welcome to my Weekly Digest #42.
This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.
Interesting articles to read
Building an awesome image loading experience
How Unsplash’s blurred image loading works and why I did mine differently for a more excellent experience on my site.
Respecting Users’ Motion Preferences
The prefers-reduced-motion
media query has excellent support in all modern browsers going back a couple of years. In this article, Michelle Barker explains why there’s no reason not to use it today to make your sites more accessible.
Evaluating Clever CSS Solutions
Tips, tricks and tutorials on the web’s most beautiful language.
Some great videos I watched this week
Auth0 in 100 Seconds
Auth0 is Authentication-as-a-Service used to manage the front door to your application. It provides drop-in user auth solutions that look great on any frontend app, and integrate with any backend server.
VS Code tips: The Color Highlight extension
Today’s VS Code extension: Color Highlight See prominent previews of CSS style colors in your code. You can also configure how the colors are displayed.
New in Chrome 95: URLPattern, the Eye Dropper API, new origin trials, and more!
Chrome 95 is rolling out now! Routing gets easier with URLPattern baked into the browser, the Eye Dropper API provides a built-in tool for selecting colors, there’s a new origin trial that allows you to opt in to receiving the reduced UA string now, and there’s plenty more.
Subgrid is All About Inheriting Grid Lines
Maybe that’s the best way to understand subgrid: it’s an opportunity for you to tell a child element of an existing grid to use the grid lines from the parent element for its rows and/or columns.
Create a Secure REST API with NodeJS and Express
In this video, Vincent is going to be showing you how to create a secure REST API with Node.js and Express.
Useful GitHub repositories
A practical hand tracking engine.
A library of dependency-free JavaScript functions that do just do one thing.
Uptime Kuma
It is a self-hosted monitoring tool like “Uptime Robot”.
A fully interactive, real-time, and modern text-based browser rendered to TTYs and browsers
dribbble shots
Photographer portfolio
Pre-order time
Podcasts worth listening
Syntax — Handy Utility Functions with Just
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about handy utility functions with Just!
Call with Kent — Magic links require timely email delivery
When relying solely on passwordless magic links for signing users into your application, you make the timely delivery of these links to people’s inboxes a critical dependency for using your app.
Smashing Magazine — What is DevOps?
We’re talking about DevOps. What is it, and is it a string to add to your web development bow? Drew McLellan talks to expert Jeff Smith to find out.
Call with Kent — Why XState?
Knt is using XState on his new website. Why and how does he use it? Are there any best practices and pitfalls?
Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋