Weekly Digest 41/2021
Welcome to my Weekly Digest #41 of this year.
This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, and designs I consumed during this week.
Interesting articles to read
Storybook on-demand architecture
3x smaller builds & faster load times for built Storybooks
Smart CSS Solutions For Common UI Challenges
Writing CSS has probably never been more fun and exciting than it is today. In this post, we’ll take a look at common problems and use cases we all have to face in our work and how to solve them with modern CSS.
Some great videos I watched this week
Dart in 100 Seconds
Dart is high-productivity statically-typed programming language capable of targeting multiple platforms. It’s used by Flutter to produce fast client apps with an awesome developer experience.
Chrome 95 — What’s New in DevTools
New CSS length authoring tools, hide issues in the Issues tab, improved the display of properties, and more.
Vector Dot Product
This video covers the dot product and scalar projection with p5.js and vectors, concepts that Daniel will need for finding the distance between a point and a line which will lead to the path following steering behavior in the next video!
Thinking on ways to solve multi-select
In today’s GUI challenge I share my thinking on a way to enable users to multi-select. To demonstrate multi-select I’ve prepared a filterable grid that accepts input from both a -select multiple- and a set of -fieldset- elements. Two multi-select methods yep, each tailored for their use case.
Using ES Modules on CodePen
and export
! They seem like such simple things, but having them in the native language of JavaScript is very powerful. CodePen tries to be helpful with them, and in conjunction with services like Skypack, there is an awful lot you can do.
Useful GitHub repositories
Awesome New
A list of .new
domains to perform online actions in one quick action.
Fast TypeScript/JavaScript transformer without node-gyp
and postinstall
Bootstrap Icons
Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap with over 1,400 icons.
Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋