Weekly Digest 37/2021

Marco Biedermann
4 min readSep 19, 2021


Welcome to my Weekly Digest #37 of this year.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.

Interesting articles to read

Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS

Most of the shadows are fuzzy grey boxes. It doesn’t have to be this way, though! CSS gives us the tools to create rich, lush, lifelike shadows. In this tutorial, Josh will show you how.

The Future of CSS: Cascade Layers

There’s a new CSS Language Feature coming to help us: Cascade Layers (CSS @layer).

Less Absolute Positioning with Modern CSS

How to use position:absolute less by leveraging modern CSS

Some great videos I watched this week

React Storybook Crash Course

Designing and testing components are crucial to every application, but it can be difficult to view components in isolation. This makes it hard to design and test components, but with Storybook this is no longer an issue. Storybook makes developing, testing and working with a component library so much easier. You can test complex actions and ensure your components are always working as expected.

CSS accent-color

It’s a fun little thing. Or is it not really “little”? Dave says this is a massive improvement for design systems work where NOT having to re-create form components just for size and color changes is a big time saver.

Stop using @import with Sass

The use of @import has been deprecated in Sass for quite a while now, but a lot of people still use it. In this video, I take a quick look at the replacements you should be using instead, @use and @forward.

Springy Animated Modals

Create amazing animations in React with Framer Motion. In this tutorial, we build an interactive modal window from scratch and customize its spring animations

Chrome 94 — What’s New in DevTools

Use DevTools in your preferred language, new Nest Hub devices, new CSS container queries badge and more.

dribbble shots

Surfing app concept

Bit Coin — Crypto Currency App

Banking App — Mobile Design Concept


Picked Pens



Podcasts worth listening

Ladybug — Getting Started With Java

Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language. It’s a general-purpose programming language designed to let app developers: write once, run anywhere. Today we’re diving into the world of Java.

The Changelog — Coding in the cloud with Codespaces

On this special edition of The Changelog, we’re talking with Cory Wilkerson, Senior Director of Engineering at GitHub, about GitHub Codespaces. For years now, the possibility of coding in the cloud seemed so close, yet so far away for a number of reasons. According to Cory, the raw ingredients to make coding in the cloud a reality has been there for years.

Syntax — New to JavaScript — ES2022

In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about all the new stuff in ES2022 — what it is, why you might need it, and how to use it.

Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋



Marco Biedermann
Marco Biedermann

Written by Marco Biedermann

Full-Stack JavaScript Engineer with focus on React, Redux & Node.js and passioned about Open Source working @Mobime based in Berlin, Germany marcobiedermann.com

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