Weekly Digest 35/2021
Welcome to my Weekly Digest #35 which is the first one for September.
This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.
Interesting articles to read
Vector? Raster? Why not both
This week I ran into an interesting class of problems that-in hindsight-could use a much better workflow. Does it exist?
Reducing Carbon Emissions On The Web
Websites, unfortunately, aren’t as environmentally friendly as we might like them to be. This article contains some thoughts and experiences from trying to clean them up.
Some great videos I watched this week
Functional Programming with JavaScript
Functional Programming is becoming increasingly popular and relevant with each year that goes by. With so much discussion around languages such as F#, Haskell, and Erlang, it can seem as though getting started with Functional programming would mean first learning a whole new syntax…but what if it didn’t?
New in Chrome 93
Chrome 93 is rolling out now! You can now load CSS style sheets with import statements, just like JavaScript modules. Installed PWAs can register as URL handlers, making it possible for users to jump straight into your PWA. The Multi-Screen Window Placement API has been updated based on your feedback and starts a second origin trial.
The Beauty of Bézier Curves
Bézier curves — how do they do? They’re used for animation, text rendering, and all sorts of curved shapes! But how do they actually work? well, like, that’s what the video is about, so, watch it to find out, etc!
PostCSS in 100 Seconds
PostCSS is a tool that allows you to use modern CSS features like nesting and mixins, while supporting legacy browsers. Learn why this simple JavaScript library is one of the most popular tools in the web development industry.
VS Code 1.60 Release Party
Live event and Q&A with the VS Code team to discuss highlights from the August 2021, 1.60 release.
Useful GitHub repositories
React Native Bottom Sheet
A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options
30 Seconds of Interviews
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
GitHub style split diffs with syntax highlighting in your terminal.
Open color
Open color is an open-source color scheme optimized for UI like font, background, border, etc.
dribbble shots
Social Media App Design
Book Store App
Cryptocurrency Wallet App
Podcasts worth listening
Syntax — Freelance Tips — Toxic Clients
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about toxic clients — how to identify them, and what to do about them.
Ladybug — Diving Deep On Databases
If you have data for your application, you’ve probably used a database to store it. There are so many types of databases, NoSQL, SQL, graph, etc. Let’s learn about their benefits and how to use them!
Syntax — Coding Interview Questions
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes are back with another edition of Stump’d! where they try to stump each other with interview questions.
Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋