Weekly Digest 33/2021
Welcome to my Weekly Digest #33 of this year.
This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.
Interesting articles to read
How to calculate REMs from pixel
Sizing things in CSS can be tricky. But REMs are probably easier than you think.
Creating Victory charts in React Native
Engage users with effective data visuals that are easy to read and understand. Here’s how to apply Victory charts in your React Native app.
Accessibility from the Ground Up
So you are starting or restarting that website or web app from scratch, and you want to do things well. You know about accessibility, you know it’s important, and no one up the food chain (all them bosses) is challenging this (or invested enough to care). That’s great news! Let’s make that project A C C E S S I B L E. ✨
Deno, a breath of fresh air for the server-side JavaScript
Deno is made by the original creator of Node.js, Ryan Dahl. It is his successor project that aims to fix all regrettable things from the Node.js design. Let me share with you why I like it so much!
Some great videos I watched this week
Create a Paid Subscription Newsletter
With MailPoet and WooCommerce, both plugins for WordPress, we can build a paid subscription newsletter. Our only costs are transaction fees, whatever WordPress hosting we might need, and a yearly fee for WooCommerce Subscriptions, making it a very cost-friendly choice.
Build a Curvaceous Homepage
Learn how to design a website with curved or wavy backgrounds using HTML and CSS. Then take things to the next level by adding a morphing SVG animation with JavaScript
How Functional Programming Can Make You A Better Developer
We’ve all heard of functional programming, but how can you apply it to your existing code?
Useful GitHub repositories
A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
Payloads All The Things
A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
Podcasts worth listening
Syntax — The Weird and Wonderful Link Tag
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about the tag — why it’s weird and wonderful, and what you can do with it!
Ladybug — Getting Started With TypeScript
TypeScript is an open-source programming language built on JavaScript that provides static type definitions. It has taken the front-end development community by storm over the past few years and today we’re going to give you a beginner-level rundown on the language.
CodePen Radio — Gathering Data
Marie and Chris talk about all the sources of data we have, think about, and use to help us. We do have one main database on CodePen, and truth be told, it’s got a bunch of data in it.
Syntax — Moist code × Memoization × Ready for full-time? × Deadlines × Design ethics × React components × Video hosting × Local fonts × More!
It’s another Potluck! In this episode, Scott and Wes answer your questions about memoization, how to know when you’re ready for a full-time dev job, what to do when you underestimate projects, design ethics, local fonts, and more!
Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋