Weekly Digest 30/2022

Marco Biedermann
3 min readJul 31, 2022


Welcome to my Weekly Digest #30.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.

Interesting articles to read

Solving “The Dangler” Conundrum with Container Queries and :has()

Statements Vs. Expressions

One of the most foundational things to understand about JavaScript is that programs are made up of statements, and statements have slots for expressions. In this blog post, we’ll dig into how these two structures work, and see how building an intuition about this can help us solve practical problems.

Some great videos I watched this week

Thinking on ways to solve carousels

In today’s GUI Challenge, @Adam Argyle shares the features and aspects of a carousel component: adaptive theming, adaptive to various user input types, adaptive to author time options, and adaptive to user preferences.

by Google Chrome Developers

Chrome 104 — What’s New in DevTools

Restart frame during debugging, slow replay options in the Recorder panel, and more.

by Google Chrome Developers

I pressed ⌘B. You wouldn’t believe what happened next

Whenever you press ⌘B in Figma, what happens is a choreography of events of surprising complexity. It’s a collision of two worlds — keyboard shortcuts and typography — each one with hundreds of years of history.

by Marcin Wichary

How to log messages in the Console | DevTools Tips

In this episode, Bramus and Jecelyn walk you through the different ways of logging and filtering messages in the Console.

by Google Chrome Developers

dribbble shots

Cyberpunk Dystopia 3D Icon Set

by Krafted

Food Delivery Maemlur — Mobile Apps.

by Habibi

Agriculture Assistant App

by Conceptzilla


Picked Pens

Responsive Faux 3D Content Scroller

by Jhey

CSS only back to top button

by Temani Afif

Cascading CSS Text Effects

by Jhey

Podcasts worth listening

Syntax — What is Bun? The New JS Runtime

In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about Bun, a new all-in-one JavaScript runtime. What makes Bun so fast? What’s on Bun’s roadmap? And why do we need another JavaScript runtime?

Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋



Marco Biedermann
Marco Biedermann

Written by Marco Biedermann

Full-Stack JavaScript Engineer with focus on React, Redux & Node.js and passioned about Open Source working @Mobime based in Berlin, Germany marcobiedermann.com

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