Weekly Digest 21/2021

Marco Biedermann
5 min readMay 30, 2021


Welcome to my Weekly Digest #21.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.

Interesting articles to read

A New Way To Reduce Font Loading Impact: CSS Font Descriptors

Font loading has long been a bugbear of web performance, and there really are no good choices here. If you want to use web fonts your choices are basically Flash of Invisible Text (aka FOIT) where the text is hidden until the font downloads or Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) where you use the fallback system font initially and then upgrade it to the web font when it downloads.

A Guide To Undoing Mistakes With Git

Mistakes. These cruel villains do not even stop at the beautiful world of software development. But although we cannot avoid making mistakes, we can learn to undo them! This article will show the right tools for your daily work with Git.

Converting tables to grids with React compound components

Using React compound components, learn how to dynamically switch from a table to grid layout for an interactive interface.

State Management: How to tell a bad boolean from a good boolean

Bad booleans represent state. Good booleans are derived from state. When you’re managing state in your app, it’s easy to fall prey to bad booleans

A couple of ways to highlight code syntax in Apple Keynote slides

Apple Keynote doesn’t come with code syntax highlighting built in. I really wish it did, and hope that Apple would at some point add this feature, especially considering how many developers and engineers use Keynote to create talk slides.

Some great videos I watched this week

React useState hook (with TypeScript)

React Hooks are amazing. A key feature that allows Function components to be THE WAY to create new React Projects.

CI #2 — Starting out with GitHub Actions

Github Actions are an easy way to get started with Continuous Integration. You used to have to rely on services like Travis CI, Circle CI, etc. but now the main repository hosts have CI built into their platform.

New in Chrome 91: File System Access API improvements, Google IO, and more

Chrome 91 is rolling out now. Web apps that interact with files, can now suggest file names and directories when using the file system access API. Plus, you can now read files from the clipboard. If your site has more than one domain, and shares the same account management backend, you can tell Chrome they’re the same, allowing the password manager to suggest the right credentials. All the videos from I/O are now available. And there’s plenty more.

Chrome 91 — What’s New in DevTools

Web vitals information pop up, visualize CSS scroll-snap, new Memory inspector and more.

Requesting color from CSS in 2021 and beyond

From a limited set of web safe colors to more colors than your eye can distinguish, follow me as we play and toy with color from CSS and reach into the most vibrant colors of your screens.

Useful GitHub repositories

Awesome Privacy

List of free, open-source and privacy-respecting services and alternatives to privative services.

Boring Avatars

Boring avatars is a tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based, round avatars from any username and color palette.

dribbble shots

Trickle Landing Page

Digital Banking Dashboard Clean UI

Home Rent


Shoes App


Picked Pens

CSS mouse-out transition effect

Colorful Noise

by ZIM

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Podcasts worth listening

The CSS Podcast — Containment

The CSS contain property can give you some serious performance gains by adjusting how and when the browser renders elements. In this episode, we go over all the different types of containment, and where you might use them.

Syntax — JavaScript’s Drag and Drop API

In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about JavaScript’s drag and drop API — how it works, concerns, best practices, and more!

3 Minutes with Kent — Fixating on fixing rerenders

Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋



Marco Biedermann
Marco Biedermann

Written by Marco Biedermann

Full-Stack JavaScript Engineer with focus on React, Redux & Node.js and passioned about Open Source working @Mobime based in Berlin, Germany marcobiedermann.com

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