Weekly Digest 16/2021

Marco Biedermann
5 min readApr 25, 2021


Welcome to my Weekly Digest #16, which is the last one for April.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.

Interesting articles to read

How I Built My Blog

An in-depth look at the technical stack behind this very blog! We’ll see how Josh uses Next’s API routes to implement my hit and like counters, how he uses MDX to add interaction and customization, and how he organizes his codebase, among others.

How to remember JavaScript

JavaScript contains many things — lots of different methods and ways to do things. How do you remember them all?

DevTools for CSS layouts 2021 edition

As someone who loves and works with CSS on an almost daily basis, DevTools are something near and dear to your heart. Recently, Chen has been seeing updates from both the Webkit and Chrome team about updates to layout-related DevTools features

Best Tailwind CSS components and template collections

Discover seven of the best free Tailwind component and template collections that you can use to rapidly build custom user interfaces.

How to actually test UIs

Testing techniques used by leading engineering teams

How to Improve CSS Performance

Learn the most common speed issues caused by CSS and how to avoid them.

Some great videos I watched this week

Reveal testing weakspots in your JavaScript code with Jest Coverage

If you’ve ever been stuck on what tests to write for your code, Jest’s coverage reports can be a great tool for showing what sections of your codebase are not tested yet. It becomes even more powerful when used in combination with Continuous Integration (CI), as it can be automated and even block pull requests from merging, which we’ll show in this video.

Visual Regression Testing with Storybook’s Chromatic

When building a design system or component UI it becomes more and more difficult to catch visual bugs as the project scales. This is especially true when changing one component affects other components that use it, and QA doesn’t know to check every component it’s related to.

Visual regression testing is an extra layer of security there, and Storybook’s Chromatic is the most polished one I have tried. So let’s set a new project up and show off some of the features Chromatic offers.

How to use TypeScript with React… But should you?

Learn how to set up React with TypeScript. Compare the pros and cons of using TypeScript in a React project.

Thinking on ways to solve split text

In today’s GUI challenge, Adam Argyle will be responding to your comments for the first 30 minutes after the episode releases. Connect with us here, ask questions, or submit your own code!

How Slow is JavaScript Really? JavaScript vs C++

Is JavaScript really that slow? Or is that just a leftover impression from the old days?

Conducting tech interviews

In this episode Jake and Surma chat about interviewing for web dev roles, drawing on their good and bad experiences as candidates, and mistakes they’ve made as interviewers. Covering prep, probing questions, coding tasks, and rating candidates.

dribbble shots

Sidebar Navigation Web App

by Golo

Mobile Banking — Dashboard


Doku — Digital Wallet App

Avatar Maker App Concept


Picked Pens

Tuggable Lamp

by Jhey


Podcasts worth listening

The CSS Podcast: Paths, shapes, clipping and masking

Paths, shapes, clipping, masking, oh my! There’s so much you can do with CSS shapes — from creating transition effects to creating interesting and organic typographic layouts. In this episode, we dive into how to wrangle shape effects in CSS.

Container Queries

Hasty Treat — Container Queries Are Here

In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about CSS container queries, what they are and how to use them.

Matt Pinner — Software Engineer at Amazon

Matt and David talk about building your community, finding passion in your freelance work, and utilizing your professional experience to grow your career.

Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋



Marco Biedermann
Marco Biedermann

Written by Marco Biedermann

Full-Stack JavaScript Engineer with focus on React, Redux & Node.js and passioned about Open Source working @Mobime based in Berlin, Germany marcobiedermann.com

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